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  • Writer's pictureGabrielle Wong

What is Conversion Therapy?

Homophobia affects a wide range of people and is a prevalent issue in China and Hong Kong.

Although China took homosexuality off the official list of mental diseases in 2001, many public hospitals and clinic offer so-called “conversion therapies” that are meant to convert people from homosexuality to heterosexuality. During “conversion therapies” patients face “coercion and threats, physical abduction, arbitrary confinement, forced medication and injection, and use of electroshocks.” according to Human Rights Watch. Many past patients of the therapy cite it as “emotionally, physically and mentally abusive.” Although, these therapies are technically illegal the government has mostly turned a blind eye towards these clinics and hospitals. In fact, most therapies were offered in government-run public hospitals, or certified clinics.

As a Chinese saying goes "不孝有三,无后为大", meaning “Among the three major ways to be disrespectful to your parents and ancestors, the most severe one is not having offspring.” This encapsulates how the Chinese view and value family and being able to pass on the family line. In recent years, the one child policy has made it even worse since many families only have one child. This places an immense amount of stress on lgbtq members to convert to heterosexuality. While some voluntarily go to conversion therapies, others are forced by their family. One thing remains clear- none of the patients would have done it if they were free from societal pressure. Additionally, none of the patients have noticed any changes to their sexuality.

Conversion therapy is both ineffective and unethical. Not only does it negatively affect lgbtq people, but it also promotes the idea that homosexuality can be cured. Homosexuality is not a disease, nor can it be cured. Rather it is something that people are born with, sexuality is part of one’s identity and should never be discriminated against or attempted to be altered.

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